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Showing posts from June, 2009

Hidden Away...

Hidden Away... vanishing places o... By gregg b. mc neill Book Preview This is a book of photographs i just published. you can purchase it through Blurb, or email me and i'll get you one.

loneliest bench...

He often boasted of his advantages. He had been given the perfect amount of shade, and the luxury of the perfect location along the trail, near the halfway water fountain. While he slept, someone thought it would be funny to sneak in the sign behind his back. Now all of a sudden, no one would sit there and he had no idea why. He felt abandoned and forgotten. He grew to hate the snickering behind his back and despised everyone he thought responsible. As his depression deepened, the joke went stale...  We thought we were teaching him a lesson. We're not so sure anymore...


She came here for the peace and isolation that frightened the rest of us, able to face herself, even after all that she had done. For that, I envied her. For that, we all resented her. 


His train was supposed to be here. No one else was on the platform, leading him to believe that his mischievious timepiece had betrayed him once more...  It had been quite a while before he could trust the old pocket watch again, left in the drawer for all those years to ponder it's betrayal, with all the other forgotten things . It was Belgium all over again...